Aruvi Magazine


Aruvi is a vibrant quarterly magazine published since 2009, dedicated to sharing news and updates about FeTNA and celebrating Tamil culture. Serving as a bridge connecting Tamil communities across North America, the magazine highlights events, achievements, and activities of various Tamil Sangams, alongside exploring topics related to Tamil language, history, and heritage. Its purpose extends beyond information sharing, fostering a sense of unity and pride among Tamil-speaking individuals and promoting cultural preservation in the diaspora.

The magazine was founded by editors Ezhilventhan and Pazhamaipesi, whose vision was to create a platform that captures the essence of Tamil cultural identity in the North American context. Sivanandam, lead significant project to print and distribute Aruvi to Tamil families across the country via traditional mail. Each year, Aruvi brings out four themed editions: Kodai Malar (Summer Bloom), Ilayuthir Malar (Autumn Bloom), Ilavenil Malar (Spring Bloom), and Pani Malar (Winter Bloom). These thoughtfully curated editions cover a broad spectrum of topics, including cultural festivals, literary contributions, and stories of Tamil achievers, reflecting the dynamic spirit of the Tamil diaspora.

The editorial committee of Aruvi comprises dedicated members from various Tamil Sangams, ensuring diverse perspectives and inclusive representation. This collaborative effort ensures that the magazine resonates with Tamil communities across North America, celebrating shared traditions while embracing contemporary issues. Over the years, Aruvi has become an integral part of FeTNA’s efforts to uphold and promote Tamil identity, fostering connections between Tamil-speaking communities worldwide.


Call for Submissions: Articles for FeTNA’s Aruvi Magazine

We are excited to invite your contributions for the upcoming Edition of Aruvi, FeTNA’s quarterly magazine. This edition will showcase the talents and voices of our vibrant Tamil community and celebrate our shared heritage.

We welcome submissions in the following categories:

  • Cover Art: Create a cover illustration inspired by the Winter Edition’s theme. Selected artwork will be featured with the artist’s name and details.
  • Articles: Write about science, technology, investment opportunities, or healthcare.
  • Creative Writing: Submit short stories, poems (traditional, modern, or haiku), and essays.
  • Children’s Contributions: Share poems, stories, and artwork created by kids.

Please send your submissions to gro.antefobfsctd-6636df@ralamivura. Include your name, photograph, and a brief bio along with your work.

We look forward to your creative contributions that will enrich Aruvi and inspire our community.

Thank you,
Aruvi Editorial Team
Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America (FeTNA).

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