TAP Awards
About Tamil American Pioneer
Award Winners
Tamils from South Asian region (Tamilnadu, Srilanka, Malaysia, Singapore etc) have immigrated to US starting from mid 19 th century. Tamils have contributed to the growth of US and in turn have grown as a community. Based on the data collected in 2010 census, there are about 130,000 Tamils living in US. Numerous Tamil professionals have not only contributed but excelled in their field. Even though there have been Tamil luminaries in various fields, there had not been a platform or forum for Tamil youth to learn from and interact with these luminaries. This thought was what drove Melissa Keerthika Subramanian and Soundara Lakshmanan to come up with the idea of Tamil American Pioneer Award. They brought this idea to FeTNA Board and the Board approved the same. Following this, starting in 2014 FeTNA convention in St. Louis, Tamil American Pioneer Awards have been awarded to people who are passionate trailblazers in their careers, who are paving the way for the next generation.
As Robert Frost wrote,
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
Tamil luminaries have been making a difference by taking the road not taken before. FeTNA has been felicitating such eminent professionals and providing an opportunity for young Tamils to get inspired. Join FeTNA in celebrating the success of our pioneers and in seeding the success of future luminaries.
கடந்த நூற்றாண்டின் பின் பகுதியில் தென் ஆசியாவில் இருந்து புலம் பெயர்ந்து, அமெரிக்க மண்ணில் குடியேறி, அமெரிக்காவின் வளர்ச்சியுடன் தானும் வளர்ந்த இனம் தமிழினம். தமிழகம், ஈழம், சிங்கப்பூர்,மலேசியா என்று பல நாடுகளில் இருந்து வந்து குடியேறினர் தமிழர். 2010 ஆம் ஆண்டின் மக்கள் கணக்கெடுப்பின் படி அமெரிக்க மண்ணில் 130,000 தமிழர்கள் வாழ்ந்து வருகின்றனர். நூறாயிரத்திற்கும் மேற்பட்ட தமிழர்கள், அமெரிக்கக் குமுகாயத்திற்கு பல பங்களிப்புகளை வழங்கி, உயர்ந்த இடத்தில் திகழ்கின்றனர்.
பலர், பல்வேறு துறைகளில் உயர்ந்து புகழ் பெற்றிருந்தாலும், அவ்வாறு புகழ் பெற்ற தமிழர்கள், இங்கு வளரும் நம் தமிழ்க் குழந்தைகளுக்கு முன்னோடியாக இருந்து, வழிகாட்டியாக அமைய ஒரு தளம் இருந்தால் நன்றாக இருக்குமே என்ற எண்ணம் செல்வி கீர்த்திகா மெல்லிசா சுப்ரமணியன் மனதில் தோன்றியது. அவருடன் திருமதி சௌந்தரா இலட்சுமணனும் இணைய, அமெரிக்க மண்ணில் தமிழும், தமிழனும் உயரப் பாடுபடும் பேரவை இத்திட்டத்திற்கு ஒப்புதல் வழங்க, 2014ஆம் ஆண்டு செயின்ட் லூயிஸ் நகரில் நடந்த பேரவை விழாவில் தொடங்கப் பட்டது, வட அமெரிக்கத் தமிழ்ச் சங்கப் பேரவையின் “அமெரிக்கத் தமிழர் முன்னோடிகள்” விருதுகள் (Tamil American Pioneers, TAP, Awards) நிகழ்வு.
இரண்டு சாலைகள்.
பார்த்தேன் அவைகளை..
பலர் பாதம் படாத
பாதையைத் தேர்ந்தெடுத்தேன்..
அதனால் தானே
அடைந்தேன் பயன் பல”
என்ற ராபர்ட் ப்ராஸ்ட்டின் வரிகளின் படி, யாரும் பயணிக்காத பாதையில் பயணித்து புகழ் பெற்றவர்களைச் சிறப்பித்து, அவர்களுடன் நம் சிறார்களும் இளைஞர்களும் கலந்துரையாட நல்லதொரு வாய்ப்பை வழங்குகிறது “அமெரிக்கத் தமிழர் முன்னோடிகள்” விருதுகள் நிகழ்வு. வளர்ந்து உயர்நிலை அடைந்த நம் தமிழர் புகழ் பாடவும்…வளரவிருக்கும் வருங்காலத் தமிழ் முன்னோடிகளுக்கு வித்திடவும் பேரவை இந்நிகழ்வினை தொடர்ந்து நடத்தி வருகிறது.
Mr. Michel Susai
Mr. Susai founded his first company, NetScaler, in 1997. NetScaler makes application appliances to handle tasks like load balancing, content caching and remote access functionality, along with optimizing delivery of custom web applications. It’s been estimated that around 75% of Internet users have interacted with NetScaler’s applications every day. In 2005, NetScaler was sold to Citrix for $300 million, and following this, Mr. Susai went on to found another company called NeoAccel. NeoAccel is a multinational company that sells computer network security products. NeoAccel’s main product is SSL VPN-Plus, which is thought to be the fastest VPN that’s available. With the backing of leading investors, NeoAccel aims to “Secure Everything”, or provide secure access from anywhere to anything. In 2011 NeoAccel was acquired by VMWare, and these successes are a testament to both Mr. Susai’s technical prowess and entrepreneurial ability.
Dr. Ilaya Ramanan Rajagopal
Dr Rajagopal, a native of Madras, India received his Bachelor of Dental Surgery from Saveetha University, Chennai, India in 1999. At the University of Alabama at Birmingham, he first completed a 2 year Graduate Research Program in Dental Biomaterials in the Department of Prosthodontics and Dental Materials in 2002. Following that he completed a two-year Pediatric Dentistry Residency Program in 2004. Along with this he also completed a one year Fellowship in The Civitan-Sparks center for the Developmental and Learning Disorder. He was awarded a Masters in Clinical Dentistry by The University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2005.
Dr. Rajagopal (known to all as Dr Raj) has a keen interest in treating underprivileged and underserved children. His goal of every child deserves quality dental care became the driving force in his life.
His notable achievement is the establishment of the mobile Dental unit program called Healthy Smiles in Motion in 2011. The first unit was started in 2011 and a second mobile unit was added in 2016. This cost-effective public health model has brought quality care to thousands of children from low-income families in Washington County, MD, and some from neighboring West Virginia and Pennsylvania. The mobile program was designed to provide comprehensive dental care in an environment similar to that of a stationary practice.
His contributions towards extending oral healthcare to Washington county’s most needy residents have been widely recognized by national media such as Washington Post and Herald Mail. His work is regularly cited in the news media and have been interviewed on national TV and radio networks and by the Child Guide magazine, which is circulated in several counties in the Tri-state area.
Dr. Nambi Seshadri
Dr. Nambi Seshadri is among of the top ten engineers in the wireless technology worldwide and probably one of five most well recognized engineers of Tamil origin in the US.
Dr. Seshadri obtained a Bachelor of Engineering in telecommunications from the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli in 1982. Following that, he immigrated to US where he attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute from which he graduated with a Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees in 1984 and 1986 respectively. In 1986 Nambi had joined Bell Labs where he was a member of its technical staff, rising to the head of Shannon Labs where he played a key role in the development of the 2.5 G cellular EDGE standard which was deployed worldwide. In 1999 he joined Broadcom Corporation to lead the development of chips for 2G, 3G and 4G cellular, GPS and low power Wi-Fi for handsets. His efforts resulted in over 2 B $ annual sales by Broadcom in these areas. Between 2011 and 2014 he was a general manager of the Mobile Platforms Business Unit to develop 4G LTE. In 2015, he became the chief technologist at Quantenna Communications and general manager of the Mobile Wireless Group.
Dr Seshadri has several key and influential research papers in cellular wireless technology. He is also an inventor in over 200 patents. He was elected to the prestigious US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in 2012. Election to the NAE is highest honor for an engineer in the US. There are probably less than four engineer / scientists of Tamil origin in the US NAE across all branches of engineering. He was also elected to the Indian National Academy of Engineering in 2013. In 2018, he was awarded the IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal, the highest award in Telecom engineering by the IEEE – the world’s largest scientific society. The IEEE citation lauds Dr Seshadri’s theoretical and practical contributions to global wireless technology. Dr Seshadri is a great son of India and Tamil Nadu who has achieved much, is recognized at the highest levels in science and engineering around the world.
Dr. Sundaresan Sambandam
Category: Medicine
Dr. Sundaresan Sambandam is an Oncologist/ Hematologist in Cranston, Rhode Island and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Kent County Memorial Hospital and Miriam Hospital. He received his medical degree from Thanjavur Medical College and has been in practice for more than 47 years. He has received numerous awards:
- Excellence in Teaching, Department of Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital, Brown University, Providence RI 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1993
- Brown University Medical School-Dept. of Medicine Chairmen’s Award for Outstanding Teaching 2003
- Rhode Island Hospital/Brown University – Outstanding Physician of the Year 2007
- Rhode Island Hospital, The Milton Hamolsky MD – Physician of the year 2007
- Top Doctor: Rhode Island Monthly Magazine, May 2002, May 2008
- RIMS: outstanding physicians for leadership and service award: 2016
Mr. Kavi Alexander Category: Audio Engineering
Kavichandran Alexander is an audio engineer and record producer. He is a Sri Lankan Tamil.
In 1984, he started the Water Lily Acoustics record label based in Santa Barbara, California.Recordings released by Water Lily Acoustics have been nominated twice for Grammy Awards.
Alexander was the producer and engineer for the 1993 album A Meeting by the River, featuring Ry Cooder and Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, which won a Grammy Award for Best World Music Album.
Water Lily Acoustics has also recorded Indian musicians, including but not limited to Padmavibushan Dr. Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, Padmabushan Professor V. G. Jog, Padmavibushan Pandit Jasraj. South American, Asian, and African master musicians recorded by Water Lily Acoustics include Flora Purim, Airto Moreira, and Jose Neto. Symphony orchestras recorded by Water Lily Acoustics to date include the Philadelphia Orchestra (Maestro Wolfgang Sawallisch), the Saint Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra (Maestro Yuri Temirkanov), the Saint Petersburg Academic Symphony Orchestra (Maestro Aleksandr Dmitriyev), and the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra (Maestro Zoltán Kocsis).
Ms. Gouzia Sivarajah
Category: Youth Entrepreneurship
Gouzia Sivarajah is the Founder and CEO of SIINNO. She was a Freshmen at Heritage High School when the company was created. Gouzia participated in BPA where she won 1st place at state level and went to nationals for entrepreneurship. She also participated in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA) where she won 1st place at regionals and went to Rochester NY. Furthermore Gouzia was in the Science Fair where she won many awards. She has a passion for helping people, and was also one of the founders of the Tamil Youth Penny Drive (TYPDA), a non profit organization that collects money to send to orphaned children in Sri Lanka.
Prof. Ganapathy Shanmugam
Category: Academic Excellence
G.Shanmugam emigrated to the U.S. in 1970. He is a pragmatic and and an iconoclastic deep-water process sedimentologist. His primary contributions are aimed at documenting the volumetric importance of sandy mass-transport deposits and bottom-current reworked sands in deep-water petroleum reservoirs worldwide and at dispelling the popular myth that most deep-water sands are turbidites.
He is an Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Palaeogeography (Elsevier), an Editorial Member of the journal Petroleum Exploration and Development (Elsevier).
He has published over 350 reserach papers. His books include: Deep-water processes and facies models: Implications for sandstone petroleum reservoirs: Amsterdam, Elsevier, Handbook of petroleum exploration and production, v. 5, 476 pages, published in 2006 and New perspectives on deep-water sandstones: Origin, recognition, initiation, and reservoir quality: Amsterdam, Elsevier, Handbook of petroleum exploration and production, v. 9, 524 pages, published in 2012. . This book was translated to the Chinese language in 2014.
Mr. Paul Pandian
Category: Business and Entrepreneurship
Paul Pandian is founder and president of Transglobal Technologies, Inc., a holding company with investments in telecom, media, oil and natural gas. He also serves as an advisor to Tech Mahindra, a software services company based in India. Previously, he founded Axes Technologies, a provider of telecommunications products and services for multinational companies and telecom service providers, before merging it with Tech Mahindra.
Paul serves on the Advisory Council of the University of Texas at Dallas School of Management and is a board member of TiE Global, the Greater Dallas Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, the World Affairs Council of Dallas, SB International, KERA Public Broadcasting and the Institute for Innovation and Management at the University of Texas at Dallas.
He has engineering degrees from Annamalai University and Syracuse University, as well as graduate business education from the Wharton School of Business.
Mr. Cottalango Leon
Category : Media Tech
Cottalango Leon is an Indian-American computer graphics technician who won the Academy Award for scientific and technical achievement jointly with Sam Richards and J.Robert Ray in 2016.
Leon won the Academy Award for “the design, engineering and continuous development”[a] of Sony Pictures Imageworks itView technology, a digital 3D film review software. Leon worked on the itView technology for eight years as the chief contributor.
Schooled in India, Leon is an Arizona State University alumnus. He has worked at Sony Pictures Imageworks since 1996, and has contributed to the making of several commercially successful films, including the Spider-Man film series and the Men In Black film series.
Palani Kumanan
Category: Technology in Journalism
Palani Kumanan is Senior Technical Consultant, Full Stack Software Engineer and Technical Lead at The Wall Street Journal.He shared 2015 Year Pulitzer Prize for graphics team of investigative journalism, in growing recognition of the importance of using IT tools in reporting. He won the prize along with members of the Wall Street Journal’s graphics team Martin Burch, Chris Canipe, Madeline Farbman, Jon Keegan and Stuart Thompson. The Journal won the top journalism award announced on Monday for its mammoth investigative project, “Medicare Unmasked.”
Kumanan, a graduate of the PSG College of Technology in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, developed the interactive database on Medicare billing used to analyze government payments made to over 880,000 medical service providers, including doctors and hospitals.
Clarence Jey
Category: Music
Clarence Ranjith Jeyaretnam better known as Clarence Jey is an American record producer, multi-instrumentalist, composer and songwriter of Sri Lankan Tamil heritage who has had music chart on the US Billboard Hot 100, a Grammy-winning record and worked on various award-winning US television shows including an Emmy-nominated show.
In 2011, Jey was part of ARK Music Factory and in association with Patrice Wilson was instrumental in one of the largest internet viral sensations in history, “Friday”, by Rebecca Black, which had over 200 million YouTube hits. He co-wrote and produced/engineered the controversial song, which reached the US Billboard Hot 100 and iTunes Top 20 in March 2011, which was referred to as “genius” by the music executive, Simon Cowell. “Friday” was covered by the cast of Fox network’s show Glee, that resulted in their version of “Friday” entering the Hot 100 as well as the iTunes Top 10. In 2013, the US Late Night host Jimmy Fallon’s Grammy-winning second album, Blow Your Pants Off, included “Friday”, as performed by Fallon and Stephen Colbert.
Jey has also worked in film. In 2014, he produced and composed songs, and was music supervisor for the martial arts actor Jean-Claude Van Damme film, Full Love, which premiered at the Shanghai International Film Festival. Jey worked with the US reality show, Famous in 12 produced by Harvey Levin of TMZ on The CW network, where he was invited to assist the up-and-coming artist to find her dream.
In 2015, Clarence Jey produced music for Grammy winning R’nB Group, All-4-One’s record, “Twenty+”, which was released in July, 2015.
In 2016, Clarence Jey composed music and wrote lyrics for the musical theater show “Jambalaya The Musical”, along with his production partner, Jeff Barry, American songwriter and the winner of Ahmet Ertegün Award from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Clarence Jey was involved in part of the music in the Hallmark Channel movie titled “My Christmas Love”, as well as Australian TV comedy series Please Like Me.
Raja Krishnamoorthi
Category: Public Service
Krishnamoorthi attended Princeton University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. He then received a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School. Krishnamoorthi served as a partner at the law firm Kirkland & Ellis, as a special assistant attorney general under Lisa Madigan, the Illinois Attorney General, and as deputy state treasurer for Alexi Giannoulias, the Illinois Treasurer from 2007 through 2009. He was the president of Sivananthan Laboratories and Episolar Inc., which develop and sell technology for military and civilian customers, until resigning all his business positions before entering Congress to eliminate any conflicts of interest.
In 2016, Krishnamoorthi declared his candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives. He won the March 2016 primary election with 57% of the vote, while Michael Noland earned 29% and Deb Bullwinkel received 13%. In November 2016, Krishnamoorthi defeated Republican Pete DiCianni in the general election, capturing 58.1% of the vote after a campaign in which he vowed to fight for middle-class families in Congress. Krishnamoorthi was sworn into office on January 3, 2017, stating, “I will continue to focus on the middle class and our commitment to ensure that hard work is rewarded.”
Dr. Paramsothy Jayakumar
Category: Science
Paramsothy Jayakumar is Senior Technical Expert for Analytics at the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center. A Department of Defense Scientist of the Quarter in March 2016, and Fellow of the Society of Automotive Engineers since 2013, he serves as Associate Editor of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics and an Editorial Board Member for the International Journal of Vehicle Performance. Dr. Jayakumar has written more than 125 journal articles. His research in terramechanics and vehicle dynamics won the best paper award at the National Defense Industrial Association’s Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium in 2011 and 2012. He was also instrumental in developing seven SAE standards for tire testing for the purpose of tire modeling for which he received the SAE 2014 James M. Crawford Technical Standards Board Outstanding Achievement Award and Arch T. Colwell Cooperative Engineering Medal. His accomplishments at the U.S. Army TARDEC have been recognized with his appointment in 2015 as the Senior Technical Expert for Analytics.
Dr. Nimmi Gowrinathan
Category: Social Activism
Dr. Gowrinathan is the Founder and Director of the Politics of Sexual Violence Initiative, a global study examining the impact of rape on women’s political identities, and a Visiting Research Professor at the Colin Powell Center for Global and Civic Leadership at City College New York. She is currently the Senior Advisor on Gender, Governance, and Political Rights for the Asian Development Bank/UN Women Study on SDG’s in the Asia-Pacific Region. She is also the Executive Producer of the Vice News Women in/at War Series. She has recently been the Gender Expert for the United Nations Human Development Report on Afghanistan, a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Conflict, Negotiation, and Recovery and a policy consultant and analyst for the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue and the International Crisis Group, researching and analyzing gender inclusion in peace-building and women’s insecurities in conflict zones. She was formerly the Director of South Asia Programs and UN Representative for Operation USA. Dr. Gowrinathan received her PhD in Political Science from the University of California, Los Angeles,on “Why Women Rebel: Tamil Women in the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam” which received the Jean and Irving Stone Award for Innovation in Gender Studies. She provides expert analysis for CNN, MSNBC, Al Jazeera, and the BBC, and has published both academic articles and journalistic pieces on humanitarian intervention, militarization, gender, and political violence. Her work, and writings, can be found at www.deviarchy.com
Category: Entertainment
D’Lo is a queer/transgender interdisciplinary artist. A member of Teada Productions, board member for Brown Boi Project, and co-producer for DisOriented Comedy, he toured his full-length stand-up storytelling show D’FunQT through the UK, India, and Sri Lanka. His tv/film credits include Looking, Transparent, Sense 8, Bruising for Besos, Eastsiders, and Dyke Central. He is currently working on the web series Private Dick, the live show To T, or Not to T, and his screenplay GodFreaQ.
Gary Anandasangaree
Category: Public Service
Gary Anandasangaree is a Canadian Member of Parliament, representing Scarborough-Rouge Park, and an internationally recognized human rights attorney. He previously represented Lawyer’s Rights Watch Canada at the United Nations and served as president of the Canadian Tamils’ Chamber of Commerce, counsel for Canadian Tamil Congress, and chair of the Canadian Tamil Youth Development Centre. In honor of his community service and local advocacy, Gary has received both the Queen’s Golden and Diamond Jubilee medals.
Ahilan Arulanantham
Category: Legal Services
During his tenure at ACLU SoCal, Ahilan has successfully litigated several landmark cases, including Nadarajah v. Gonzales, the first Ninth Circuit case establishing limits on the government’s power to detain immigrants as national security threats; Rodriguez v. Robbins, which required the government to provide bond hearings to thousands of immigration detainees; and Franco v. Holder, the first case to establish a right to appointed legal representation for any group of immigrants facing deportation, which required the federal government to provide legal representation to mentally ill immigrants.
In 2007, Ahilan was named one of California Lawyer Magazine’s Lawyers of the Year for his work at the intersection of immigrants’ rights and national security. In 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012 and 2013: Ahilan was named One of the Daily Journal’s Top 100 Lawyers in California. In 2010, he received the Arthur C. Helton Human Rights Award by the American Immigration Lawyers’ Association. Ahilan has testified before both the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate on national security and immigrants’ rights issues.
Ahilan has also served as a Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago Law School, where he taught a course on preventive detention. Prior to joining the ACLU SoCal in 2004, Ahilan was an Assistant Federal Public Defender in El Paso, Texas for two years. Before that, he was an Equal Justice Works/NAPIL fellow at the ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project in New York. Ahilan is a former law clerk on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, a graduate of Yale Law School, and a graduate of Oxford University, which he attended as a Marshall Scholar.
Bhi Bhiman
Category: Music
Bhi Ramesvara Bhiman was born and raised in St. Louis, MO. Bhiman had an allAmerican childhood that he has referred to as “a sort of Brown Norman Rockwell existence with lots of running around in creeks and playing baseball”.He played in the city’s most competitive leagues from ages 7–17, often traveling for tournaments including trips to The Dominican Republic, Hawaii, and Australia.
When Bhiman was 13, an injury during a tournament in Paducah, Kentucky, kept him off the field for six months. He passed the time playing his brother’s guitar and discovered a strong musical sensibility. As a teenager, Bhiman played electric guitar, and fell in love with hardrock bands like ACDC and Black Sabbath as well as Seattle’s grunge scene.He has cited Soundgarden’s Kim Thayil as a particularly important musical influence. It was not until Bhiman’s time at the University of California Santa Cruz that he began to explore singing and writing songs. He formed the band Hippie Grenade in 2002 and eventually moved to San Francisco with the band to pursue music more seriously.
In 2008, Bhiman left Hippie Grenade to focus on his solo career. In 2011, he began work on what would be his first nationally distributed album. The bulk of the record was tracked at Tiny Telephone Studios in San Francisco. Following those sessions, Bhiman finished the album with producer Sam Kassirer (Josh Ritter, Langhorn Slim) at the Great North Sound Society in Parsonsfield, Maine. Bhiman was released in 2012 and earned rave reviews from publications like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and esteemed rock critic Robert Christgau of NPR’s All Things Considered.
Dr. Ramanathan Raju
Category: Medicine
Ramanathan (Ram) Raju, MD, MBA, FACS, FACHE is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (HHC), the largest municipal healthcare system in the nation. Dr. Raju was appointed by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio in January 2014 to lead the 37,000 employees of this $6.7 billion corporation, which includes 11 acute care hospitals, five nursing homes, six large diagnostic and treatment centers, more than 70 community-based health centers, a large home care agency, and one of the New York area’s largest providers of government-sponsored health insurance, MetroPlus Health Plan, the plan of choice for nearly half a million New Yorkers. Last year, HHC facilities served 1.4 million New Yorkers — including more than 475,000 uninsured.
Prior to accepting the role of President and CEO at HHC, Dr. Raju was the Chief Executive Officer for the Cook County Health & Hospitals System (CCHHS) in Chicago, Illinois, and the third largest public health system in the country. During his tenure there, Dr. Raju turned the financial status of the system around, improving the cash flow by over 100 million dollars. His proposed healthcare delivery model fetched the much coveted 1115 Waiver to the Social Security Act, enabling the creation of CountyCare, an Illinois Medicaid program to provide coverage for low-income adults in Cook County, and leading to health coverage for more than 82,000 Cook County residents.
Dr. Raju began his medical career at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn and went on to serve as the COO and Medical Director at HHC’s Coney Island Hospital. In 2006, he became the HHC Chief Medical Officer, Corporate Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President.
Dr. Raju attended Madras Medical College to earn his medical diploma and his Master of Surgery degree. He underwent further training in England and was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. Dr. Raju is also a physician executive, having obtained an MBA from the University of Tennessee and CPE from the American College of Physician Executives. Dr. Raju is the recipient of numerous national recognitions. In 2013, he was named Business Leader of Color by Chicago United. Modern Healthcare Magazine named him one of the top 25 Minority Executives in Healthcare two times in a row, and one of the 50 most influential Physician Executives in Healthcare in 2013. Also in 2013, Becker’s Hospital Review designated him as one of 20 Hospital and Health System Leaders to Follow on Twitter.
Prof. Priyamvada Natarajan
Category: Academia
Prof Priya is a theoretical astrophysicist interested in cosmology, gravitational lensing and black hole physics. Her research involves mapping the detailed distribution of dark matter in the universe exploiting the bending of light en-route to us from distant galaxies. In particular, she has focused on making dark matter maps of clusters of galaxies, the largest known repositories of dark matter. Gravitational lensing by clusters can also be utilized to constrain dark energy models and she has been developing the methodology and techniques to do so. Her work has demonstrated that cluster strong lensing offers a unique and potentially powerful laboratory to test evolving dark energy models.
Priya is also actively engaged in deriving and understanding the mass assembly history of black holes over cosmic time. She is exploring a new channel for the formation of the first black holes and its observational consequences at high and low redshift. This channel produces massive seeds derived from the direct collapse of pre-galactic gas disks at the earliest epochs. This is in contrast to the conventional picture wherein light seeds are produced from the end state of the first stars. Current measurements of the masses of black holes hosted in nearby faint galaxies supports the existence of a massive seeding model. In earlier work, she argued for the existence of an upper limit to black hole masses in the universe by showing that black holes eventually stunt their own growth. This self-regulation implies the presence of ultra-massive black holes with capped masses in the centers of nearby galaxies that have since been observationally detected.
Priya was the chair of the Womens Faculty Forum (WFF) from 2011 – 2013 at Yale. She was on the Steering Committee of the Womens Faculty Forum from 2003-2010. She is deeply interested in Institutional Change with regard to Gender Parity in the Academy. Along with Judith Resnik and Reva Siegel at the Yale Law School, she has co-organized two Gruber conferences titled Parity as Practice: The Politics of Equality held from 30 – 31 March, 2012 and the second one titled Contesting Gender Inequalities” from 25 – 28 April, 2013 at the Law School. Priya is on the Board of the Swiss Edge Certified Foundation that works toward gender equality in the workplace.
She was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for the academic year (2010 – 2011), during which she was also a JILA Fellow at the University of Colorado at Boulder and a visiting professor at the Institute for Theory and Computation at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Priya was the 2009 recipient of the India Abroad Foundation’s “Face of the Future ” Award. She was also the 2009 recipient of the award for academic achievement from the Global Organization for the People of Indian Origin (GOPIO). Priya was elected a fellow of the American Physical Society in 2010. She was also elected a fellow of the Explorers Club in 2010. In January 2011 she was awarded an India Empire NRI award for Achievement in the Sciences in New Delhi, India.
Prof. Sethuraman Panchanathan
Category: Information Technology
Prof Panchanathan moved to Arizona in 1997 as a tenured associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at ASU. In 2001, he was promoted to full professor and founded the Center for Cognitive Ubiquitous Computing (CUbiC), which is focused on designing technologies and devices for assisting individuals with disabilities. He also founded and led the School of Computing and Informatics (2006-2009) and the Department of Biomedical Informatics (2005-2007). Panchanathan was appointed as the university Chief Research Officer in 2009, where he was responsible for conceptualizing and building large interdisciplinary initiatives at ASU. In 2011, he was promoted to Senior Vice President of ASU’s Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development, for the advancement of research, entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development activities.
His research interests include Human-centered Multimedia Computing (HCMC), assistive and rehabilitative technologies, haptic user interfaces, face/gait analysis and recognition, medical image processing, media processor designs and ubiquitous computing environments for enhancing quality of life for individuals with disabilities. His research contributions have been disseminated in over 425 papers in various refereed journals and conferences. He also mentored over 100 students and scholars, which include graduate students, post-docs, research engineers and research scientists.
Dr. M. Sanjayan
Category: Science Journalism
- Sanjayan is an American conservation scientist, writer and Emmy-nominated television news contributor, specializing in the role of conservation in improving human well-being, wildlife and the environment. He is referred to as Sanjayan, using one name as is Tamil custom. He is executive vice president and senior scientist at Conservation International and host of the television series Earth – A New Wild, produced by National Geographic Studios in association with Passion Pictures, which began airing on PBS in February 2015. He also was featured in Grist November 19, 2014, for a story about the PBS series along with Men’s Journal and another recent story in Grist.
Prior to Conservation International, Sanjayan was lead scientist at The Nature Conservancy. His scientific work has been published in peer-reviewed journals Science, Nature and Conservation Biology and his expertise has received extensive media coverage, including Vanity Fair, Outside, Time, Men’s Journal, The New York Times and The Atlantic. His television experience includes serving as a correspondent for Years of Living Dangerously, the 2014 Emmy-nominated climate change series and hosting and contributing to television programs on The Discovery Channel and the BBC. In 2009, he appeared as a guest on Late Show with David Letterman. He also writes for The Huffington Post.
In May 2012, CBS News named Sanjayan its science and environmental contributor and his 2013 CBS Evening News report on elephant poaching was nominated for an Emmy in the investigative journalism category. National Geographic Society recently selected Sanjayan for its Explorers Council, a distinguished group of top scientists, researchers and explorers who provide advice and counsel to the Society across disciplines and projects. Sanjayan is also a Catto fellow at the Aspen Institute and a senior advisor to the Clinton Global Initiative.
Born in Sri Lanka, Sanjayan and his family moved to Sierra Leone in 1972. He moved to the United States to study at the University of Oregon, where he received both a B.S. in biology and a M.S. in ecology. In 1997, he earned a Ph. D in biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Krish Suthanthiran
Category: Business
Krishnan Suthanthiran immigrated to Canada from India in September 1969, after graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Madras, India, to pursue his Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering at Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He arrived with a total of 400 Canadian Dollars. Subsequently, he received a National Research Council of Canada Research Assistantship, and graduated with a Master’s Degree in 1971. He moved to the United States in 1972 and worked as an Engineer-Physicist at Howard University Hospital until 1978. Since then he has founded and invested globally many millions of USD in Medical, Real Estate, Construction, Entertainment, and Energy Companies.
Mr. Suthanthiran founded and is currently supporting a number of Non Profit Charitable Foundations, in promoting quality education and healthcare, and making them affordable and accessible. He is pursuing a goal of providing purified drinking water and affordable sewer systems in every part of the world. He has contributed substantially for setting up endowments for scholarships and endowed chair. He has also donated significantly to support medical research and treatment by contributing and partnering with academic centers and hospitals globally. He is the President and Founder of the Best Cure Foundation and Kitsault Energy.
Dr. Rangaswamy Srinivasan
Category: Inventions and Innovations
Rangaswamy Srinivasan is an inventor at IBM Research. One of the famous inventions he has contributed to is LASIK. President Obama awarded him the National Medal of Technology on Feb 2, 2013 for his contributions to laser eye surgery.
In 1981, Srinivasan discovered that an ultraviolet excimer laser can be used to etch a living tissue precisely without causing any thermal damage to surrounding area. He named it Ablative Photodecomposition (APD). In 1983, Srinivasan collaborated with Stephen Trokel, an ophthalmic surgeon, to use APD for a surgery of the cornea. This led to development of LASIK. In 1998, Srinivasan was awarded the Biological Physics Prize by the American Physical Society. In 2012, Srinivasan along with two other scientists, James J. Wynne and Samuel Blum, of IBM Watson were honored with National Medal of Technology and Innovation by the President of The United States Barack Obama for breakthrough in Excimer laser that enabled LASIK Surgery.
Inducted into the US “Inventor Hall of Fame” in 2002, Srinivasan has spent 30 years at IBM’s T J Watson Research Center. He received both bachelors and master’s degrees in science from the University of Madras, in 1949 and 1950.
Dr. Chitra Durai
Category: Inventions
An 18-year IBM veteran, Dr. Chitra Dorai is a big fan of mathematician Richard Hamming and credits his writing with shaping her career. When she was an undergraduate at the Indian Institute of Technology, she came upon a quote from Hamming: “If you do not work on an important problem, it’s unlikely you’ll do important work.”
“That has been an undercurrent in everything I do,” said Chitra. “I ask myself, ‘Am I addressing an important problem?’ Every few years I jump into a completely new area, and absorb that field with the help of all the work that has been done before and with the help of my colleagues. I then try to make a difference by going after some of the important questions in the field.”
That peripatetic mind has engaged with a host of subjects from industry analytics (her current area) to multimedia systems, data mining, image processing, pattern recognition, machine learning, stream processing and cloud computing. Along the way her work has earned her recognition as an IBM Distinguished Engineer, a Master Inventor, and membership in the Industry Academy and Academy of Technology. Now she’s focusing on the use of analytics in the mortgage industry.
Rising Star : Mr. Arun Subramanian,
Category: Law
New York Partner Arun Subramanian has successfully represented both plaintiffs and defendants in a wide variety of high-stakes commercial cases. As one of the youngest partners at the firm, and one of the youngest partners elected to the Firm’s Executive Committee (2015-2017), Arun has amassed the litigation successes of an attorney with twice his experience.
Called an “agile thinker” with ability to able to “master complex problems and distill them to their essence in writing and presentation to the court” by Assured Guaranty General Counsel and Managing Director, Ed Newman, Arun has been actively involved in a variety of significant matters for Susman Godfrey. No matter what the arena–patent, trade secrets, antitrust, False Claims Act breach of contract, or fraud — Arun has a proven track record of success
Dr. K. Sujata
Category: Social Activism
- Sujata is a strong advocate for women and girls with broad experience in Chicago’s philanthropic, business and nonprofit communities. She has served as president and CEO of Chicago Foundation for Women since 2011, a grantmaking organization focused on basic rights and equal opportunities for women and girls in the greater Chicago area. Sujata led the foundation through double digit growth, managing a strategic alliance with the former Eleanor Foundation in 2012.
Sujata has worked at several notable nonprofit agencies in Chicago: director of programs for the Eleanor Foundation, executive director of Apna Ghar, director of Chicago Continuum of Care (now Chicago Alliance to End Homelessness), and director of planning and development at Interfaith Housing Development Corporation.
Before joining the nonprofit sector, Sujata trained as a scientist at Northwestern University, received an MBA from IIT, and studied engineering in her native India. Sujata serves on the Board of the Donors Forum, Women’s Funding Network and the Steering Committee of the Asset Funders Network. She is the Founding Director of South Asian American Policy and Research Institute. Her blog can be found at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/k-sujata/. Follow her on twitter @k_sujata. For more information on Chicago Foundation for Women go to www.cfw.org
Dr. Arun Mohan
Category: Medicine
As President and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Mohan works with members of ApolloMD’s clinical operations team to optimize the provision of Hospital Medicine & Population Health. He holds overall responsibility for providing leadership, direction and administration of medical management, as well as the integration, coordination, and improvement of clinical care for hospitalist services at ApolloMD client facilities.
Dr. Mohan brings expertise in care model design, quality improvement, healthcare finance, and information technology. Previously he was a practicing hospitalist and held leadership roles at Emory Healthcare and Emory School or Medicine. As Medical Director of Care Coordination at Emory University Hospital led initiatives to increase patient flow and improve care coordination, leading to significant and sustained reductions in length of stay. He also played a key role in all regulatory and payer matters including determination of admission status, audits and denials. As Associate Vice-Chair for IT for the Department of Medicine, he led efforts to engage physicians in clinical IT efforts and use data and advanced analytics to drive performance improvement.
An accomplished clinical researcher, Dr. Mohan has developed, implemented, and evaluated new models of care as well as technologies to improve patient and physician decision-making. Dr. Mohan received the 2011 Milton W. Hamolskey Award from the Society of General Internal Medicine for his work related to the effect of healthcare reform on hospital finances.